The Picture Vehicle Network
Any transportation vehicle for actors in a film is classified as a Picture Vehicle. A handful of carefully chosen Hero vehicles or hundreds in the background, can be found here— Automobiles, Trucks, Motorcycles, Airplanes, Helicopters, Mockups or Space Ships—for rent or for sale.
The Picture Vehicle Network is designed for Companies and Individuals to market all transportation needs in one place.
Let’s begin with the search terms that we've created to help a filmmaker find Picture Vehicles just from using our Key Search:
Vehicle Name – Year, Make, and Model of what you marketing to Users.
Vehicle Photo – This photo will be the search result photo.
Vehicle Categories – Search many pre-loaded category options on a drop-down menu. If the product you are marketing doesn’t already exist, you can click on the word “Other” and enter the name of your property into the text box.
Year – Search for vehicles just by entering what year the film takes place.
Make – Search for vehicles just by entering a manufacturer’s name.
Model – Search for a vehicle just by entering a model name.
Zip Code – The Proximity Search assists filmmakers looking for vehicles anywhere in the U.S. and the World. This option is designed for Users to effortlessly network within their own cities.
After you have finished with all the search terms related to your Picture Vehicle, you will then add all the information you would like to showcase on your Picture Vehicle Profile Page.
Notes – Publish a brief paragraph about your Picture Vehicle on your Profile Page.
Website Links – Companies and Individuals who already have websites can publish the link on the profile page. Clicking on the “Auto Redirect” option will take Users directly to that website.
External Video – Companies or Individuals can publish a presentation video about their Picture Vehicle that are on other streaming networks such as YouTube, Vimeo—just by copying and pasting its URL.
Photo Gallery – Each Profile Page allows you to publish up to 20 images associated with the Picture Vehicle you are marketing, with search terms optional.
Motion Picture Space is not a social media network.
It is a professional space consisting of multiple networks where individuals and companies can market themselves, their services, and products to the Motion Picture Industry.